vulture, well not in the actual sense, but in our coll lingo... especially to people who have taken the mysore mess-1, will make a lot of sense.
vultures- these are those people who wait right behind a person who is having food, so as to immediately take up that seat so as to get served in the next round.
so much for the definition. yesterday i so happened that we reached the mess a li'l late... mebbe around 5 mins after it opened. so, we ended up having no seats to sit and hence ended up waiting for people to finish on the first table.
generally as this is the first table people are expected to finish of their food FIRST but that was not to be. other tables started getting replaced by the next round but not ours. now although i hate taking up the role of a vulture i had no choice. so i ended up standing right behind one of the guys. now i dunno if this guy was a really slow eater or was really hungry . but he took miserably long to finish up and i ended up waiting for him to do so. and i got neatly kicked around the full time and almost maimed myself in the process of him getting up to get something. well after those torturous 5 mins we got served and the foos turned out to be nothing great. so much for having to play the vulture.
now that i have taken up the 7th block again i need not worry about being the vulture.
scavenging never again
sudhir poi!
A new era
1 month ago