This one day was the most painful in the past 2 months for me.
I have been going to IIT-B since the beginning of may and it has been more or less a monotonous and uneventful life from that day on, except on the weekends(discounting the exciting EURO matches in the evenings).Well and so it passed on till the last wednesday. that day i was pretty tired and sleepy from the previous days match. So i decided to leave a li'l early and catch up on some sleep if possible.
But i suppose someone somewhere had an entirely different plan chalked out for me for that day. I reached the bus stop of IIT-B at around 4pm. Now from previous experience i knew that there was to be a bus at around 4 which would take me home. if i did miss it the next would be there atleast by 5:00 or 5:15. So i decided to wait it out till that time, when there was no bus even at 4:30. Ironically there was to be no bus that day till 6:00.
Frustrated out of my balls, I was rather relieved when the bus finally decided to arrive at around 6:15. The only consolation for me in the whole thing was
that i had learnt to be a bit more patient and a lot more foolish. But when the bus came i forgot everything and flung myself at the entrance to the crowded
thing that would lead me home. After a stop i got inside the bus(till the it was a hang for survival). Thanks to the new system i already had my return ticket, so no hassle to buy one. Then i settled to be mauled by the unrelenting crowd. Generally i'm lucky and within 5-10 mins i manage to get a seat, but today was a tough one so i ended up standing for the worst parts of the journey.
As i neared home i managed a seat and took my bag in front to finally take out my keys. And lo behold! what am i facing - an open zip in my bag where my
wallet, earphones, keys et al are supposed to be. And my worst fear came true and my faith in the fact that i could stay untouched by the bombay pick-pockets
was shattered. As a consolation(to god knows whom) they had left my earphones untouched. The wallet had 1200 bucks cash( the highest amount i have ever carried in my wallet in living history) my college ID, my liscence and my ATM card among other collectibles of mine.
I was already frustrated because of the long wait and as an icing and cherry on top this happened. Man, i went berserk and crazy. I was cursing every
possible person who i believed had ever wronged me. And then i got off the bus after thoroughly searching it while making a fool of myself. As i entered the gate of my colony, there are security fellas at the gate( of the few previlaged ones who have had the fortune of visiting my place - well, they'll know what i am referring to). Now in my living history not once has it happened that the security guy has ever asked me for identification, not even when the 9-11 attacks had happened and security was at an all-time ecstatic high. And as i walked in this cool security dude asks me for identification. I was bloody raging and then this, as if the icing and the cherry had been not sufficient. But thankfully this dude just took my word for the fact that i stayed in the colony, probably because i blabered an address that he recognized as being possible.
After entering the colony, i called up mom to let her know what had happened and to handle the situation - well, dad was home!!! when i entered the most
methodical and excruciatingly embarassing breakdown of the whole mishap was extracted out of me. Then began the age-old prescribed process to remedy the situation caused because of my carelessness - blocking the ATM, going and filing the police report( no, there were no more mishaps at the police station - if you were expecting one).
And thus ended my most eventful day of the whole holidays so far. At the end of it, i had absolutely no documents( that people generally carry) to prove my
identity, and it has been so till this minute and will remain for at least a few more days!
P.S. since that day i have been telling this story to all and sundry with much joy excitement and animation, much to the amusement of everbody. but it really helps make you feel less gulty about things!
A new era
4 weeks ago